Tibits of Thought

Here’s a great proverb–“A man cannot step in the same river twice; for it is not the same river, and he is not the same man.” It doesn’t matter who we thought we were five years ago or five minutes ago. It only matters that we continually shed the false sense of self (St, Paul’s “old man”) and affirm (insist on) the new man, our innate and forever Christliness, not because it’s cool or hopeful but because it is our original and authentic self. Effective prayer is two-fold; first, acknowledgement of the divine presence of God, Mind, and secondly, removal of the “old man” errors which mislead consciousness. Prayer brings comfort and healing to the beleaguered thought, thus to the human experience, thereby fulfilling the Lord’s Prayer verse, “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” Contact me and I’ll pray for you. Christ will reveal the new man!